Thursday, April 30, 2009

1st period.....

John and Brett: "cuz it's a love story baby just say yesss!!"

Jewel: "wow guys that was soo, so magical!!!"

Coach: that was sooo, so torture!!"

(never missed a beat....)

4-30 science class..... =]

"Dont make me laugh......
I look like Santa Clause!!"

Mrs.B: "Erik, what is the Sargasso Sea?"
Erik: "The Sargasso Sea in a sea with
sargasso in it.... =]"

(this one goes out 2 Mrs.D..)

"I heard that the first case of swine flu
started when a human had sexual
relations with a pig....."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

World Greatest Nick Quote...... =]

Mrs.B: "ahhhhh!! kid stop kicking me!!!!!!"
(in reference to Baby Riley)

Nick: " can't you just like reach ur hand down your throat and start smacking it"


Friday, April 24, 2009

Predators and Prey.....

(while talking about whether humans were predators or not...)

Mrs.B: "i personally don't think that we are predators.... we do not have to hunt for our food.... we go buy it at publix...."

Reese: "i ate a bug once...."


Mrs.B: "guys i can tell if you've forged your parents signatures......."

Reese: " i can forge my own signature!!!!!!"


"Sprees are the skid marks
on sweet tarts underwear"
-Brett (while eating sprees
in 3rd period.....)

First Post!!!! =]

5th period science..... we hear some crazy stuff!!! funny stuff...... stuff that'd make us pee our pants laughing..... soooooo, we finally decided to write it down....... then the blog idea came to mind so that we could share this stuff with everybody!!! haha..... ill post some "precious quotes" l8r....
