Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm sick right about now....& i have so much work its not even funny....

Plus the only thing on is the backyardigans....
and I'm about to rip my hair out...

Nuff said...

I think I'ma put this on facebook....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is random

I havn't posted in like forever...
and i don't quite know what to

Besides... i made all county...
and i can hear him now...

annd.... art class really sucks...

so does PE.. hermans kinda annoying...

k... bye ! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009



Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This week is...


Monday: Crazy hair day..
Aka: so many people spraying their hair in the
morning you can't breath in the courtyard...

Tuesday: Nerd Day!!
Aka: I dress up as Ms.Moore

Wednesday: Superhero Day!!!

Thursday: Time-warp day!!

Friday: VIPER PRIDE!!!!

Homecoming game Friday night...
and Movies Saturday....

Sounds good to me! =]

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Sappy Side....

We were all pretty bummed and in
shock when we got that email...
Some kids dropped out... others (like me)
didn't wanna play for a while after that...

But we knew it was the best
thing for you and your family...
I think we were all okay with it
because we admired you so much....

Because you made things fun...

Because you inspired us, to be that best
we could be..... not just when we picked up
our horns... but in everyday life...

That probably was the coolest thing about
you... you were always happy...
Negative comments weren't in
your vocabulary....

It was the little things..
like the cheesy lines from movies
that made us laugh and want
to come back to band everyday....

You made band fun...
it wasn't a class... it was a play time....
a time to be with the people that
you knew would accept you no matter what...

It was like that because YOU made it
that way...
Because you wanted everyone to be accepted
AND respected...

You could have fun with us... but
when ever you stomped your
foot on that podium we knew you
meant it was time to get serious and play...

You're only like two hours away...
but not having you as a teacher anymore...
really sucks!!
I never knew how much I really appreciated
you until you left....

But while I'm being sappy and crap...
I just wanna say thanks...
thanks for pushing me to do the things I
didn't wanna do..(Solo, all state, ect :)
You've really set me on a path to
do well.....


Friday, September 18, 2009

We. Are. Morons.

Okay... so we had this like... retarded sub
in P.E... and we were supposed to meet
at the basketball courts....

WE! all went to the bus loop....
(Fence separates the two)

So, um... Frankie came like running...
and he's like... guys uum you better
get over here or he's gonna mark you
as skipping...

Dead Silence...
We all look at each other...

And jump the fence...

We looked like friggen convicts....

I'm out....

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's All Very Epic... =]

We've been saying 'epic'... alot!
It just... makes everything sound so much more...


Epic fail, epic win, epic song,
epic band, epic picture...

or.. just..." aw dude that was EPIC!!"

Just thought I'd share that....

I'm out...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No Comment

Today after school...
Mrs.D told me that she and one
of the other teachers were thinking
about doing a talent
show...... a.....teacher.....
talent show......

and that she somehow... would get
all of the the teachers to do it.....

Me: Like... ALL of the teachers???
Mrs.D: Yep!
Me: Like...Even the coaches?!?!?!?
Mrs.D: Yep! Would you pay $5 to see that
Me: I would pay $100 bucks to see that!

Awe hell I'd pay $1,000 to see Coach get up on
stage and dance....

(In announcer voice)

Yep... I can see it now....



Dude!!! Ms.Moore used to be a cop!
DUDE! that's sooo rad! like seriously!!!

Doesn't seem like the type tho.... :)


Thursday, August 27, 2009

OMG! had a poll to decide which
school's home game they would show...

Thanks to chain texts and facebook and
probably myspace and twitter.....

WE WIN!!!!

The polls have closed and we have a winner in week one of our U Pic'M survey. And that winner is...the East River at Space Coast game. The Channel 9 sports crew will be live from Space Coast High School during WFTV Channel 9's 6pm news on Friday, August 28th. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Since Ms.Moore is STILL!!!!
giving crap about the Jonas Brothers

I have decided to wear the
Jonas Brothers shirt tomorrow!!!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Math....Jonas,,,,,,and Cameron.......

First off......
Jonas Brothers concert = AMAZING!!!!
Science is funnier this year... than it
was last year...
I now have Nick AND CAMERON
AND Reese in my class.....
Ms. Moore is the COOLEST
freaking teacher EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Ms.Moore I'm not going to be here
Monday.... so i need to know what were doing...
Ms.Moore: Why
Me: Im going to Atlanta
Ms.Moore: Why?
Me: Concert
Ms.Moore: Who are you going to see??
Don't say Jona Brothers.....
Me: Okay I won't
Ms.Moore: Oh My God you're going
to the Jonas Brothers??....
Brenna I am VERY dissapointed,,,,,
Me: Ahahahah =]
She's awesome!
Karissa: Ms.Moore are we gonn ahve fun today?
Moore: It's math how much fun can you have??

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

These Are Good!!!!

"My mommy tells me not to eat
open candies but sometimes they
make me feeeeeeellllll good!!!!"

"OMG are you okay?!!?
I saw the short bus flip over and
I know how you don't like to wear
your helmet cause it's hard
for you to lick the windows!!!!!!!!"
-Facebook Flair.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stupid Cold!

I'm losing my voice
and I sound funny =[


Monday, August 10, 2009


I want my sevi teachers back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1st Day O' School.....

Pretty Good....


ummm... he's.... he's............
eh... he's growin' on me in a
scary "I'm gonna eat you" sorta way...=]
(he's no Coach[ellis] tho...)
((had to thro that in there...:D))

I can't quite decide if I like
her yet or not....


Omg you're so cool


Yeah in a "I don't wanna be in your
class" way

You rock!!!!

In other news....


The end...
I'm gonna go eat some soup =]

Friday, August 7, 2009

Okay...... REALLY!?!?!?!

Is my name THAT!!! hard to

"Hi I'm looking for Brianna"
"Umm it's Brenna...."
"Oh Brenna okay I'm sorry"


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All Good Things Come to an End...

In about 5 days summer
will be over and 8th grade will
officially start......


What happened!?!??!
Summer just flew by!!!
But I must say... It was pretty awesome!!

Registration was today and we
got all our new classes....

1. PE with Herman...
(I'm still mad at you Coach...=[...)
2.U.S. Hirstory wif Drabik
3.Lang Arts...
4. Math
5. Science
6.Art.... yes ART!...
and 7th is Band with Mrs.Lowe...=[

I say "=[" because Mr.A left =[

poo =[

And of course in other news....
I don't get Mrs.D next year =[

and swimming (?) and Band!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


2 weeks....
2 weeks untill homework
and getting up at
7am EVERY moring....
Oh man I did not miss it....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Count Down Begins....



Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ode To An AMAZING Teacher..........

Got news today that Mr. A wouldn't be returning to
Space Coast next year....

I'm TOTALLY bummed....
(and SUPER-DUPER sad..)

I know this sounds TOTALLY dorky....

But without him.....
I don't think I could have done the stuff
I have done/ am doing.....

So good-bye Mr.A
Thank You.....

I was super lucky to have a music teacher like you

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hanging with the cousins.....

My cousins came down from Virgina
We had a BLAST!!!!

My dad took pics of us jumping in the pool....

We acted weird...

We did cannon balls!


Not sure what that is...

I think that's a flip?

LEAP FROG!!!!!!!

We also did activity's such as....

Two-people-on-board long boarding.....

Motor scooter riding....

And of course....

Getting lizards to bite down on your ear!!!

GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Night Fwogs.....................

Night Fwogs......


(This guy is technically a 'night toad'......

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Dad's Day!!!!

(Yes, My forehead is all greasy.... I just got confirmed....)
Good times!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Report Cards......

Got our report cards the other day.....

P.E.: A
Math: A
W.C.: A
Lang Arts: B
(Yes, I got a B on my test about nothing!)
Science: A
Career Wheel: A
(It was kinda hard!!!!!)

Year Grades
P.E.: A!
(No dip I didn't do anything!!)
Math: B..... Well, 89.35
(She said she would bump it up but..... she didn't!! SHOCKER!)
W.C: A!
Lang. Arts: A
Science: A
Career Wheel: A!
Band: A!!!

FCAT Math & Reading: 4!!!!!!!!!


And to top it all off,
I got a nice lil 'note' on the bottom
that says I'm Promoted to the 8th grade!!!!!!

Whoo Hoo!!!!


Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have like, a follower.....

I need more.....

Help me get more followers for my
crappy blog!!
Please and Thank you!!!


I actually kinda miss school....
I think when I get my physical......
I'm gonna have them examine my head.....

P.S. Becca and I, SUCK at tennis.....
Virtual tennis: Yes!
Real tennis: Not so much!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Baby Riley!!!!
8lbs 2oz
20in long


(Ahhhhh, Brings back memories of Nick and Shane in science!!!)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh boy!!

Today, while Becca was at my house,
we got a call from Collin,
"There's a baby alligator on the road
down the end of Addie.
And Mr. Arrnett just ran over
it with his car! So stay in side
and like don't let any small animals out because
it's dangerous!!!!!"
Okay Collin!!!

Later that day,
Me and Bec: "So, What'd you do about the
Collin: "Oh, I called animal control!!!"

Gotta love Collin!!!!!

We also found out where the Lubbers & Pippin live!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I need something to blog about......
What can I blog about!!!
HELP!!! =]

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Totally Just Remembered This!!!

There's this thing you can do for band.......
It's called All State..... I guess it's a big deal.....
Idk tho..... I kinda got roped into it.....

Here Goes.....

I did a thing called Solo and Ensemble,
And got a superior on my performance........
(Highest Ranking)
So, the week after S&E, were sitting in Band,
Mr.A is handing out the medals and talking to us about
All State......

Now, you gotta know Mr.A to fully understand
what I'm talking about..... but, to put it lightly.......
He's a drama queen......

So, he's going on and on and on,
and not shutting up, as per usual........
Mr.A: "So, yeah All State is REALLY cool!!!!
I want you all to try it!!"
Me: "Okay, but do you HAVE to do it??"
Mr.A: (real dramatic) "No, But your doing it!"
Me: "I don't want to though!!"
Mr.A: "And?"

Fast forward three months or so.....
(Sitting at my sax lesson with Herb....teacher......
talking about.... you guessed it.... All State!)

Herb: "Okay, I want you to do All State"
Me: "But..."
Herb: "You're doing it!!!!"

The next day......

Me: "Mr.A, Herb is making me do All State.....=["
Mr.A: "HA!!!!!!!"
(and then he gave me that stupid 'you just got burned smirk)
Me: "Yeah, yeah, yeah....."
Mr.A: "HA! and you're still gonna get that pie
in the face!!!"

Dude, I still havn't gotten that pie.......

Monday, June 1, 2009


Summer is about......

Hanging with friends EVERYDAY!!!

Attempting to get a tan while trying to not sweat
your butt off.....

Telling your mom that "Alex is coming
over in 10" and her being totally okay with it!

Going on 3 mile bike rides in the Florida heat....

Getting fit for swim team.....

Going shopping......

Going to the movies.....

Pigging out with friends and then feeling guilty
because your all trying to get fit and lose weight....


And most of all......HAVING FUN!!!

I never had that before I came to Space Coast....
but now I do, and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

In the Car.......

Becca, Alex and I were sitting in the car
listening to music.....
(Eminem, 3OH!3, ect)
and Becca kept singing about Tacos......

Just Remembered This One.......

While explaining how to throw a shot put.

"Okay, so you hold the shot put on the tips of your
fingers, and throw it at a 45 degree angle.....
you know, it's between ummmm, 90 and (makes
motion with her hand) this one!!!! (0)
Yeah, you guys know what I'm talking about!"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Years Ups and Downs!


Teachers were AWESOME!!!
Well, most of them....
Here they are...
Mrs.Noah: Yes!
Mrs.Pippin: Double Yes!
Mrs.B: Triple Yes
Mrs.Lubbers: Ummmm, no
Mr.A: Yes!!
Coach: Numero UNO!!!! (The $#!+)
Coach Stone: Sure......

Brett: Yes
Coach Karina: Yes
Colllllllin: Yes
Becca: Duh
Kaitlin: Yes
Aylssaaaaa: Yes
Kate: Yes
Erik: Yes
Adam: Sure....

Mrs. D is coming back!!!!
Coach and Mr.A are like... my fav teachers!!!!
I think Stone likes me now..... which is kinda cool.

We got stuck with you know who for math.
Were all going to fail Lang Arts in 8th grade!
Mrs.B left us!!! =[

The END!!!
See you next year Space Coast!!!!
We'll Miss You!!!


Schools out!!!!
And I might Actually miss it!!
Haha.... But next year is gonna be AWESOME!!
I'm gonna be on the swim team,
and possibly cross country.....?
I'm in Adv. Band!!!
1st chair sax?!?!!
I'm Still waiting for that pie in the face tho!!!!
Mrs.D will be back!!
Which mean life choices...... WILL KICK BUTT!!!!!!
No all we gotta do is get Coach to teach 8th grade next year!! =]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

School's.................. OUT.......... For The Summer!!!!.. (alomost!!!)


And next year....... is gonna be AWESOME!!!!

NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

go to the link

Monday, May 25, 2009

Last Names!!!!! =]

This is soooo fun!!!!

Pimppin Pippin
Staring Stone
Don't Teach DiCarolis (no.... I kid.... she teaches us.... life skills!! =].. ily)
Toah Noah....... (inside joke)
Bioluminescent Berger
Music St-anderson (Anderson..... St-anderson..... get it? ha! I'm so funny)
Ecstatic Ellis (Cept for that one day..... holy crap that was scary!!!!)

-Bren & Bex

Some More Teacher Disses.... =]

We though of these while sitting out by my pool....
Disses on their first names....

Doorknob Donna (in the nicest way possible..... we luv u! =])
Caring Kristen
Never teachers us anything Erin (hahahhaha we luv u 2)
Nina Toah
Jumbo Jessica (only because of the pregnant baby....... quote Nick unquote)
(His name is Edwin) Edwin-d-section
Crouching Colleen (Only because of softball..... which u aint Numero Uno at!!! hahaha... nah.... ur cool)

Friday, May 22, 2009

From Shelby..... via twitter.....

"My gym coach would be proud of the
running to the ice cream truck today....!"


First.... a quote or two....
(While in World Cultures...)

Mrs.Noah: "The Queen of England doesn't
have any REAL power..... she's just kinda a
figure head...."
Alex: "So... she can't like kill people or like send
em to the dungeons....?"


In other news...
Yeah... that band test...ONE HUNDRED QUESTIONS!!!
and a playing part.... Mr.A said if I didn't
make All State... he would personally go beat the judges up....
He's such a weird dude...=]
oh and.... people were doing 'Jump on It' in class....

Becca and I had to bring something back to the
media center for Coach today....
I almost passed out from laughing so hard....

We were also stuck in a class room with
Mrs.Lubbers for and hour... that my friends... was hell!

Not much went down in World Cultures today....
or Lang. Arts for that matter.....
But no joke....
Pippin and Noah were both like
"I don't really care what you do... but if someone
important walks in... .pretend like you're studying!!"
haha... good times.... =]

Science was BORING!!!
and so was Hanh's class...

We also signed shirts today.... mine's awesome!!
I'll post a pic....



1.Mr.Anderson in tux
2.Mrs.Pippin (pimpin)

We mean this all in the nicest way that
it can possibly be said..... =]
We luv you all.... well....
at least most of you!

-Bren & Bex

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Boring Day!! (Becca and Kaitlin can Agree on the First 5)

Last day of real classes!!
PE: Sat on the bleachers and did
Math: Took two test and listened to
Mrs.Lubbers talk.....
World Cultures: Went over study guides!! =[
Lunch: Ate Yummy/Nasty school food
Lang. Arts: Looked at year books....
Science: Did some review thing.... blah
Career Wheel: Typed.....
Band: Scale test... Mr.A looked like
he was going to fall asleep...
Poor guy....

Came Home......
But I'm thinking a 25 question test for band...
won't be hard...


5-21... Eh.... Not 2 Bad Today....

(talking about the compass rose and how 2 remember it....)

Mrs.Noah: "Mrs. Hansen's fav is 'Never Ever Smoke Weed'......"
Becca: "WOW!! it's like a two for one!!!"
Mrs.Noah: "Yeah a public service announcement AND a way
to remember North, South, East and West......
(for some reason we all thought that was funny....)

"I mean lets face it..... humans only
settled about 5,000 years ago!!!"

And now, a song from out very own.... Nick

"Sweet n' sour chicken with fine fried rice,
buy it right now and you'll get the right price!"
(Dylan is beat-boxing in the background
as he is singing this...)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nada Much....

Jonathan put a frog in Kailin's
hood yesterday....
And today....
Coach tripped over a box.....

Good times....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


School has been really boring l8ly!!
We're studying for finals..... and
that's ALL we're doing!! which means......
so if anyone has any funny stories/quotes....
PLZZZZ email me!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


So, we said goodbye to
a great teacher on Friday..... =(
and today.... we had our first day of hell
with the sub.....
When that great teacher did the
funny quotes..... well, from science
at least.....=)

There's still PE, W.C, and Lang. Arts!!!

ily Mrs.B!!!

Quite Funny Actually!

"You know you're disorganized......when
you can't find the list you made to keep you

-The ever so slightly.....
unorganized Mrs. Noah.......

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What The Teachers Would Be If They Were In School.... By Bren and Karina Via Txt

Okay, here goes....

Mrs.B: awesome goth kid
Mrs.Noah: Goody goody 2 shoes
Mrs.Pippin: chill kid that has no clue of what's going on
Coach: Super chill layed back jock
Mrs.D: Preppy cheerleader (no offense.... we luv u)
Mr.A: Band Geek! (duh)
Mr.Reyes: Exchange student
Mr.Ankersen: Computer Nerd
Stone: I don't wanna know.... (although she has been super nice l8ly)
Mrs.Fudge: Freaky math nerd
Mrs.Lubbers: Figure it out
Herman: Jock

I would LOVE to see them all in a class 2gether.....

The Viper Fun Day Videos....

Their Practice........

Pix From The Day

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Im bored..... see if you can answer these questions that totally dis the teachers....

1. Whats black, white and all talk?
2.Who is blond, never really knows whats going on, and really good at sports?
3. Who is... and I quote.... "NUMERO UNO"???
4. Who sucks at math?!!?!?
5. Who is bipolar?
6. Who acts like a teen ager??
7. Who is the coolest teacher EVER?!? (or at least one of em?)
8. Who is not afraid to swear in class????

Okay... see if you can answer those!! comment or email us at....

Quotes From Shane...

"So it's like steroids for algae rite?"

"So, is Mars a tundra?"

Good ol Nick

Mrs.B: "Don't mess with a big, fat pregnant lady!!"
Nick: " You're not fat, it's just the pregnant baby inside your stomach..... uterus!!!"

Good God.....

Friday, May 8, 2009


"If any of you touch those tennis balls
I'm gonna have a heart attack!!!!"


Mrs.B: " I wish I had a cot to lay on!! That would be gr8!!"
Nick: "Isn't that a fish??"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5-6-09 science class

Mrs.B: "...........Nicole said that she still thinks the baby is a's not"

Reese: "Are you sure??? You know the parts could just be INSIDE the baby...."

Mrs.B: "ummmm... no Reese....."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bren's Dad...

"I can't work and chew gum
at the same time..... i can't focus...."
-Bren's Dad...

Y ME??!?!?!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

more nick quotes!

Mrs.B: "does anyone know where you can normally see condensation?"
Nick: " On a mountain!!!"

Mrs.B: " we are omnivores, which means we eat plants and animals."
Nick: "We eat plants?, really?"

"What if a porcupine layed eggs on a girl then later she gave birth to a baby porcupine?... is that possible?"

Nick: "what is water called when it is on the ground?"
Everyone else: "water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

other stuff!!! =]

while in language arts... we were reading a play...

the sub. said "who wants to play the part of Jack"
Zack: "Ooh Ooh!... pick me Jack rhymes with Zack."

back in science class

Shane: "Do babies have boogers when they are in your body?"
Mrs. B: "No Shane they have no oxygen or germs"

Friday, May 1, 2009

The rock and the car.....

we found a rock on the ground...... this is our story....

Jewel: "hey look a rock!.... what wud happen if we thru it
and it hit one of those cars??"
(Points 2 a random silver car off in the distance)

Coach: "uhhhh, thatsssssss my car...."

Jewel: " ohh"


i was just imitating coach and
i gave my self a paper cut....

Teacher/ Student V-Ball game........

I no this isn't rlly funny quotes.... but....... i have never laughed so hard.... so i thought i'd share this...... =]

First of all....
Game 1: Students dominated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game 2: Both teams did very good... but the teachers won in the end.... blahhhh
Game 3: Coach, Coach, and Mr.A played........ so the teachers dominated.... haha

For somebody who never rlly no's wats going on..... (no offense Mrs.Pippin...)
Mrs.K was totally rockin....
Mr.A.... he's such a nerd..... but a cool one at that....
Coach..... NUMERO UNO????...... ok we'll give it 2 u on this 1.... but ONLY!!!! this 1...

just thot I'd share that before i completely dissed the rest of the team.....

Mrs.D...... ummmm..... yeah.....u no wat we mean...=] (WACHAAA!!! knee up!!) looked like u were swatting flies..... =] hahaha
Mrs.Garcia..... nice costume.... (-from becca)

Thats it.... Check out the video from their practice.......

Thursday, April 30, 2009

1st period.....

John and Brett: "cuz it's a love story baby just say yesss!!"

Jewel: "wow guys that was soo, so magical!!!"

Coach: that was sooo, so torture!!"

(never missed a beat....)

4-30 science class..... =]

"Dont make me laugh......
I look like Santa Clause!!"

Mrs.B: "Erik, what is the Sargasso Sea?"
Erik: "The Sargasso Sea in a sea with
sargasso in it.... =]"

(this one goes out 2 Mrs.D..)

"I heard that the first case of swine flu
started when a human had sexual
relations with a pig....."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

World Greatest Nick Quote...... =]

Mrs.B: "ahhhhh!! kid stop kicking me!!!!!!"
(in reference to Baby Riley)

Nick: " can't you just like reach ur hand down your throat and start smacking it"


Friday, April 24, 2009

Predators and Prey.....

(while talking about whether humans were predators or not...)

Mrs.B: "i personally don't think that we are predators.... we do not have to hunt for our food.... we go buy it at publix...."

Reese: "i ate a bug once...."


Mrs.B: "guys i can tell if you've forged your parents signatures......."

Reese: " i can forge my own signature!!!!!!"


"Sprees are the skid marks
on sweet tarts underwear"
-Brett (while eating sprees
in 3rd period.....)

First Post!!!! =]

5th period science..... we hear some crazy stuff!!! funny stuff...... stuff that'd make us pee our pants laughing..... soooooo, we finally decided to write it down....... then the blog idea came to mind so that we could share this stuff with everybody!!! haha..... ill post some "precious quotes" l8r....
